在六个月内成为注册医疗助理. 我们的下一个军事革命课程将于2024年1月29日开始.
黎巴嫩汉诺威街15号邮编:NH 03766 | 603-443-4200
医疗助理的需求量很大. 根据美国.S. 劳工部, 美国劳工统计局(2020), employment of medical assistants is projected to grow 23 percent from 2018 to 2028 – much faster than the average for all occupations.
This 22 week non-credit hybrid program* is a combination of in-person and online courses. 校园会议一周开两天,星期二 & 周四9:30-2:30,剩下的课程在网上. Education includes completing 560 didactic hybrid hours in 18 weeks followed by a 160 hour practicum in a clinical setting. Students passing the program will be eligible to sit for the AMT (American Medical Technologists) RMA (Registered 医疗助理) Examination.
The AMT RMA Credential allows a program graduate to immediately obtain employment as a 医疗助理 without starting at a training wage.
*Note: 这个非信贷计划不符合FAFSA资助的经济援助资格. 请申请列出的奖学金和助学金机会. 有些是专门针对新泽西和新泽西居民的,或者是目前的工作地点.
这个排舱还有12个座位. 获得课程席位需要确保资金到位.
Medical assistants are cross-trained to perform administrative and clinical duties which vary at medical practices depending on location, size, specialty, and state law.
Clinical Duties (可能包括但不限于):
- 记录病史
- 向病人解释治疗程序
- 为病人做检查准备
- 协助医生检查
- 收集和准备实验室标本
- 进行基本的实验室测试
- 指导患者用药和特殊饮食
- 准备和使用药物, 包括肌肉注射, intradermal, 皮下注射——包括接种疫苗/免疫接种, 根据医生或其他有执照的提供者的指示(例如.g.(如执业护士或医师助理)
- 按指示发送处方补药
- Phlebotomy
- 做心电图
- 伤口护理和更换敷料
管理职责 (可能包括但不限于):
- 使用电脑应用程序
- 回答电话
- 欢迎患者
- 更新和归档患者医疗记录
- 编码和填写保险表格
- 安排预约
- 安排住院和化验服务
- 处理信件、账单和簿记
Most employers prefer to hire medical assistants who have graduated from an accredited college medical assisting program. 选择美国认可的学校项目是一个明智的决定.S. 教育部.
雇主更愿意雇用经过认证机构认证的医疗助理, 比如美国医疗技术专家(AMT). Choosing a certifying body is just as important as choosing a school or medical assisting program. 当您选择一个严格和实用的认证时, you are showing employers and patients that they can trust your skills and knowledge.
通过AMT获得认证, you must meet certain eligibility criteria as a “route” to certification and pass an exam. 这些途径包括从认可的大学项目毕业. Those who meet the requirements have an excellent chance of passing the certification exam.
AMT向医疗助理提供认证, 通过考试后, become members of the AMT professional association and can use the designation Registered 医疗助理 (RMA) after their names. AMT认证是全国性的认证,不局限于特定的州..
We Are Seeking:
- 希望在医疗领域工作的候选人,
- 将参加为期六个月的高强度项目的候选人.
- 年龄不低于18岁;
- 拥有高中毕业证书,GED或HiSet;
- 遵守本中心的申请程序;
- 提交填妥的申请书,
- 与医疗辅助项目主管的访谈
- 参加临床前, 学生将被要求提交免疫记录, 毒品检查和犯罪背景调查. 更多信息将在第一周提供.
- 获得AHA BLS认证.
获得美国心脏协会基本生命支持CPR证书. Healthcare Provider Basic Life Support – American Heart Association BLS is offered at no charge for all RVCC students. 这个基于网络的项目是通过RQI 1 Stop进行的. 学生需要完成课程的在线教学部分, 然后来RVCC完成项目的人体模型部分.
The following are examples of the competencies and skills a student in the 医疗助理 Program would be required to possess in order to successfully complete the program and have a career in the field. 所使用的示例并不包括所有的示例.
批判性思维: The medical assisting student must possess critical thinking skills sufficient for clinical judgment. For example, the student must be able to use critical thinking as a basis for identifying/resolving patient problems, 应用讲座知识, laboratory, 以及临床领域, 以及运用基本的数学技能.
人际交往能力: The medical assisting student should possess interpersonal skills sufficient to interact with co-workers, patients, families, 以及来自不同社会的个体, emotional, cultural, 知识背景. For example, the student should be able to establish rapport with patients, families, and colleagues.
Communication: The medical assisting student must possess communication skills sufficient for interaction with others in verbal and written format. 沟通能力,包括演讲, hearing, reading, writing, 语言技能和计算机知识是必需的. 例如:收集并记录评估数据. 解释治疗程序. 获取和传播有关病人护理和工作职责的信息.
Mobility: The medical assisting student should possess physical skills sufficient to move from room to room and maneuver in small spaces. 例如:学生必须能够在病房里走动, work spaces, 治疗区域. Administer CPR. 将病人从担架和轮椅上转移到检查台上.
Motor skills: The medical assisting student should possess gross and fine motor skills sufficient to provide safe and effective care. For example, 学生必须能够使用设备, 管理注射, 在医生的指导下完成其他指定的工作.
Hearing: The medical assisting student should possess auditory skills sufficient to monitor and observe health needs. For example, 学生必须能够听到监视器的警报, emergency signals, cries for help, and vital signs.
Visual: The medical assisting student should possess visual skills sufficient for physical assessment, 履行医疗办公室/临床程序, 并维护环境安全. 学生必须能够观察病人的反应, 看到皮肤颜色的变化, 读出注射器上的刻度, 监测生命体征, 阅读病历, 并观察颜色所涉及的试样测试. 阅读注射器,小瓶,刻度盘,量规和其他类似仪器上的小字.
Olfactory: The medical assisting student should possess the ability to perform medical office/clinical procedures. 例如:区分各种药物、液体和化学品.
Tactile: The medical assisting student should possess tactile skills sufficient to assist physician in a physical assessment. 例如,学生必须能够触诊脉搏和静脉穿刺.
情绪稳定和精神警觉: The medical assisting student should present themselves in a calm and efficient manner in high stress/pressure situations with patients, staff, supervisors, and colleagues.
Weight-bearing: The medical assisting student should possess the ability to lift and carry up to 30 pounds on a weekly or daily basis. 例如,学生必须能够定位和转移病人.
认知能力: 医学助理学生必须具备组织能力, make decisions, 并进行精确的数学计算. 例如,学生必须能够评估病人的抱怨.
职业暴露: The medical assisting student should possess the ability to protect self and others by implementing appropriate precautions due to possible exposure to communicable disease and/or body fluids, toxic substances, 药物制剂. For example, the student may encounter a patient with Hepatitis B or AIDS and must be able to use standard precautions. 健康问题导致多次缺课, lab, or clinical or injury impedes meeting the performance standards for a period of time, the medical assisting student is required to bring documentation from the physician or other healthcare provider noting the student can safely resume activities in the program. 该文件将用于帮助确定学生是否可以返回课堂, lab, 和/或临床课程要求.
Online Modules:
- 开始日期:1月29日星期一
- 结束日期(16周):周五,5月17日
RVCC黎巴嫩学术中心临床实验室技能(面对面,周二) & 星期四上午九时三十分至下午二时三十分):
- 开始日期:2月6日,星期二
- 结束日期(16周,包括静脉切开术):5月23日星期四
Note: 这个非信贷计划不符合FAFSA资助的经济援助资格. 请申请列出的奖学金和助学金机会. 有些是专门针对新泽西和新泽西的居民,或目前的工作地点.
这个项目的学费是6500美元,包括书费. 我们有几个奖学金可以帮助学生支付这个项目的费用.
- WIOA培训资金细节和资格要求.
所有新罕布什尔州居民- 请务必向WIOA寻求帮助. For information on the enrollment process and to schedule a meeting with an SNHS Career Navigator, please call 603-647-4470 ext. 8047 or email (电子邮件保护)
How To Apply:
- 安排与WIOA就业顾问的会面, 请于周一至周五上午8:00至下午4:30致电您当地的NH工厂办公室. WIOA服务在全州所有十二个NH Works办事处提供.
Vermont Residents – VSCA的教育机会中心 (EOC)辅导员可以帮助你设定你的教育目标, 获得大学和职业培训服务, 探索财政援助的选择,并填写财政援助申请. 要预约,你可以给王然发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) or call 877-961-4369 安排时间和EOC顾问谈谈.
Dan Osborn
Claremont College Place 1, NH 03743
- 电话:603-542-7744分机5347
- Email: (电子邮件保护)
A student that successfully finishes the MA Program will earn 9 college credits from RVCC and may transfer them to other certificate or degree programs.
Additionally, if a student has previously passed any of these courses with a minimum grade of C, through RVCC– they will not be required to complete or pay for this module in the non-credit program.
- 医学术语
- 医疗保健中的法律和伦理问题
- 诊所实务一 & II或医疗办公室实践
Course Modules:
- 临床和实验室程序,包括解剖学 & 生理学,药理学和静脉切开术
- 医学术语
- 医疗保健中的法律和伦理问题
- 医务室实务
Online Modules:
- 开始日期:1月29日星期一
- 结束日期(16周):周五,5月17日
RVCC黎巴嫩学术中心临床实验室技能(面对面,周二) & 星期四上午九时三十分至下午二时三十分):
- 开始日期:2月6日,星期二
- 结束日期(16周,包括静脉切开术):5月23日星期四
Program Goals
The goal of the 医疗助理 Program is to prepare students for entry level employment, 国家注册, 成功的事业.
Program Outcomes
- 立即有资格参加注册医疗助理(RMA)考试.
- Begin employment as an entry level 医疗助理 – without the need of a training wage.
- 在医疗助理的职责范围内胜任工作.
- 识别和有效地回应口头, nonverbal, 并在书面沟通中表现出专业的态度和形象, 与客户和医疗团队成员有效沟通.
- Perform medical assisting administrative and clinical procedures competently and within legal and ethical boundaries in the scope of practice for 医疗助理s.